Spring Review 2023

Friday, May 12, 2023
On April 21, 2023, the University of Pennsylvania NROTC performed the Spring Review ceremony with their sister battalion at Villanova University.
Spring Review is a long-standing military tradition, beginning with formation and awards, and culminating in a Pass in Review, wherein the midshipmen are marched past a reviewing officer. 
The University of Pennsylvania Battalion in formation
The University of Pennsylvania Battalion in formation
Coach Wright addressing the Philadelphia Consortium
Coach Wright addressing the Philadelphia Consortium

This year’s reviewing officer was the renowned former Villanova Men’s Basketball coach Jay Wright. Coach Wright served as the Villanova basketball coach from 2001 to 2022, garnering numerous awards and accolades – in 2021, he was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame. 

During the ceremony, Coach Wright gave an inspiring speech on the values all Midshipmen hold nearest to their core: honor, courage, and commitment – in particular, he noted how these values shape lives and set a high standard for future officers. He is an upstanding member of the community, and the entire Philadelphia Consortium was honored by his performance as the Reviewing Officer for this most august ceremony.

Midshipmen receiving awards
Embodying these core values were the awardees of the ceremony. Senior midshipmen are traditionally honored at the Spring Review ceremony for exemplary performance in their battalions.

Each of these midshipmen have demonstrated their tenacity and grit in their dedication to the unit, and will undoubtedly continue to exemplify these values throughout their careers.

Midshipman Scurio passing command to Midshipman Tinney

The Spring Review Ceremony also included the Change of Command ceremony. Midshipman first-class Dominic Scurio transferred command of the University of Pennsylvania Battalion to Midshipman second-class William Tinney. In this ceremony, the unit flag is handed from the outgoing to the incoming Battalion Commanding Officer, and the new BCO takes command of the formation. Change of Command occurs at the end of each semester to prepare the battalion for a successful next term, and the ceremony is an essential part of the transition.

For the freshman class, this was their first Spring Review, and it served as the culminating event of the year, bringing to mind the rigor and commitment that NROTC calls for. For the seniors, this was their last Spring Review, and served as a reminder of the years they have spent dedicated to making the unit a more effective institution. For all, it was an important milestone in their development into better leaders. 


Ms. Barbara Hewitt, executive director of Penn’s Career Services
Penn MIDN with Ms. Barbara Hewitt, Executive Director of Penn’s Career Services
Dr. Rebecca Weidensaul, Drexel’s Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Success
Drexel MIDN with Dr. Rebecca Weidensaul, Drexel’s Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Success
Both Battalions after Spring Review
Both Battalions after Spring Review

MIDN Hannah Wang

Midshipman Fourth Class and First-Year Student at the University of Pennsylvania

Original article written by Midshipman Fourth Class Carney of Drexel University and Midshipman Third Class Suh of the University of Pennsylvania.